Category: Uncategorized


    This weekend @linos is going to attend OFFDEM (FOSDEM) in Brussels. There will be a Fediverse Event-Gathering on Saturday: Really looking forward to it! 🙂

  • Visibility & discoverability

    Visibility and discoverability have been much discussed topics recently, especially when Mastodon announced the introduction of a full-text search. Protecting users from abusive searches is a major concern. In the case where one instance follows another, this results in a different complexity of the problem, especially if there are two software applications that specialize in…

  • Using the WordPress ActivityPub plugin – what can go wrong?

    Yesterday spontaneously gave a good friend personal assistance in setting up ActivityPub on his WordPress site. The following article is a memory log of it. Obviously, it is only a single sample, but what happened is consistent with many of our assumptions. In short, the ActivityPub plugin and Fediverse are great, but there is…