Author: André Menrath

  • Visibility & discoverability

    Visibility and discoverability have been much discussed topics recently, especially when Mastodon announced the introduction of a full-text search. Protecting users from abusive searches is a major concern. In the case where one instance follows another, this results in a different complexity of the problem, especially if there are two software applications that specialize in…

  • Using the WordPress ActivityPub plugin – what can go wrong?

    Yesterday spontaneously gave a good friend personal assistance in setting up ActivityPub on his WordPress site. The following article is a memory log of it. Obviously, it is only a single sample, but what happened is consistent with many of our assumptions. In short, the ActivityPub plugin and Fediverse are great, but there is…

  • It is all about the community

    When writing the initial version of our project plan as signed and agreed with by NlNet we didn’t know yet about the dynamics of the community, specifically about how the cooperation between the maintainers of the #WordPress #ActivityPub plugin and #Mobilizon would be like. The level of collaboration with other #Fediverse developers would determine whether…