
  • It is all about the community


    When writing the initial version of our project plan as signed and agreed with by NlNet we didn’t know yet about the dynamics of the community, specifically about how the cooperation between the maintainers of the plugin and would be like. The level of collaboration with other developers would determine whether […]

  • Sneak preview


    For the first time, we were able to see the goals of our project with our own eyes. But we still have a long way to go. We’ll tell you more about where we are and what our next tasks are in the coming days.

  • Getting started


    What has been done so far? As we have announced from the very beginning, it is important to us to make our work as sustainable as possible. In this context, sustainability means being modular and trying to enable necessary extension functionality in the upstream project, the WordPress ActivityPub plugin. Regarding the functionality that our project should ideally offer, we have created two posts in the discussion section of the repository on Github to provide a place where these feature additions can be discussed by the community while we work on a draft for a pull request.